Özel Sayı, Şubat 2016
Women: As Seen from the "Gendered" World
The gratitude I feel towards the 'AP' team, the University of Giresun and the ENS Lyon is not simply a formality. The edition owes a great deal to a great many since this special issue contributes to the field of study that connects "gender studies" with "women studies".
How might "gender studies" be of use with "women st...
ÖZET. Şiddet, insanlık tarihi kadar eski olmakla birlikte, kadına şiddet konusunun öneminin farkındalığı ve literatürde kendine yer bulmasının çok yakın bir tarihi vardır. Bu durum tüm dünyada aynı paralelde gelişim göstermiştir. Kadına yönelik şiddet konusuna dikkatlerin yoğunlaşmasında, 1960'ların sonunda bir önceki yüzyılın ürettiklerini sorgulayan sürecin içinde, kad...
Laurence CORROY - Emmanuelle SAVIGNAC: FEMALE ACADEMICS IN FRANCE AND THE GLASS CEILING ‘ORGANIZED SCARCITY’?ABSTRACT. The place of women in the French academic world is often analyzed through the aspects of their place in research or the evolution of women's careers in universities and centers for research. In this article, we propose to consider aspects which have been overlooked by researchers, in particular their place in governing bodies of French universities: Administrative Council, the Council for Research (Conseil Scientifique), the Council of Studies and University Lif...
Manuel Antunes da CUNHA: PORTUGUESE WOMEN IN FRENCH PUBLIC SPHERE: FROM INVISIBILITY TO EMANCIPATIONABSTRACT. This paper aims to examine the representation and role of Portuguese women in French public space. If the media discourses today are still being dominated by the national and masculine figures, it is nonetheless true that the immigration context is often a space of gender roles reorganization. Between a dual legal discrimination in media sphere (being an immigrant and being a woman) and a process of individual emancipation in the spheres of work and family, mig...
Blanka KNOTKOVA-CAPKOVA: ON FEMINISMS IN CZECH POLITICAL CONTEXTSABSTRACT. This paper is suggesting a periodization of Czech emancipist women’s movement within historical, political and other contexts, from the perspective of feminist analysis. The first phase (roughly up to 1860s – 1870s) represents the beginings of of the movement. This period of the emancipist movement was much influenced by liberal thoughts, namely those of John Stuart Mill. The main emphasis was put on female education. During the seconf phase (up to ...
Laura NAVARRO: APPROCHING FEMINISM FROM THE MARGINS: THE CASE OF ISLAMIC FEMINISMSABSTRACT. This article tries to contribute to one of the most relevant debates within the framework of current Gender Studies and feminist activism: the debate dealing with feminism and religions. The aim is to provide these reflexions with some theoretical elements that help us to better understand some of the complex issues of this field, such as the meaning of considering secular feminism as the only acceptable feminist model, and the possibilities of building one fem...
Hatun KORKMAZ: YÖNETİMDE KADIN VE CAM TAVAN SENDROMUÖZ. Günümüzde, iş dünyasındaki kadın nüfusunun hızla artmasına rağmen, üst yönetim pozisyonlarında kadın çalışan oranının oldukça az olduğu görülmektedir. Kadınların üst düzey yönetici pozisyonlarına gelmelerinde karşılaştıkları engeller, cinsiyet ayrımcılığı konusunda en sık karşılaşılan örnekler arasında yer almaktadır. Yönetim literatüründe &ldquo...
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