Volume 14, Issue 2, June 2022

ABSTRACT. This article examines the relationship between wage-working Syrian refugee women's participation in the labor market after forced migration and gender roles. The study, carried out in Mersin, İzmir, and Gaziantep in 2019, is based on interviews with 48 women from different social and ethnic backgrounds who had to migrate from Syria to Turkey. Field research using qualitative research methods has shown that Syrian refugee women's entry into paid work is due to the necessity to earn a living for the household. The entry of women ...
Hande SÖZER: THE “EUROPEAN REFUGEE CRISIS” AS THE CRISIS OF LIBERAL TOLERANCE: THREE MODALITIES OF LIBERAL EXCLUSIONABSTRACT. This article examines European residential responses to migrations after 2015. The literature meticulously analyzes their historically-contextually changing variances and inner diversities while imposing a binary view: the anti-immigration response is the negation, and the solidarity response is the affirmation of liberal tolerance. Contrarily, I argue that both responses utilize the liberal tolerance idea and its operational principles. First, they border the European Self and the migrant Other; re-border “the intolerable”...
Tuğba GÜRÇEL AKDEMİR: DIFFERENT THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES TO SECULARIZATION AND THE IMPACT OF MIGRATION ON FUTURE RELIGIOSITY OF EUROPEABSTRACT. Secularization versus religious revival debate has been shifted to another dimension with the mass migration targeting Europe because of the conflicts in the Middle East. The literature concerning secularism was expecting a linear trend in line with the modernization and Europe was considered to be the nexus of both. This study delineates the secularization debate for evaluating the recent trend of migration within this rather neglected scope. The main argument is that among the secularization theories, religious market model and exist...
Zehra Aşkınsena İLKILIÇ & Manuel Andreas KNOLL: ANALYSIS OF THE SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM IMPACTS OF THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS ON INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE POLICYABSTRACT. The coronavirus pandemic has caused far-reaching precautionary measures around the world. Governments’ attempts to get the coronavirus under control have led to the negligence of other important policy areas. Climate policy in particular has been significantly influenced and lost importance on the political agendas of states after the outbreak. Over time, the coronavirus will either disappear or lose its initial impact due to medical measures. Two years after the outbreak of the coronavirus, this paper aims to analyse and evaluat...
Tuba KANCI & Umutcan TARCAN: BODY, ABJECTION, AND THE PATRIARCHAL DOMINATION (Turkish)ABSTRACT. In Julia Kristeva’s psychoanalytic theory, abjection does not only reveal the interactions of the body with the conscious and unconscious; but also reveals the patriarchal domination of body imagery. Kristeva uses abjection as a phenomenological subject and examines its effects on experiences from a post-feminist perspective. According to them, the experiences that emerge under patriarchal domination are vulgar and marginalized movements that fade in material existence, just like the “wastes” of the body. This study a...
Ebru ÇOBAN ÖZTÜRK: POLITICS OF GENOCIDE, RECONCILIATION AND RECONCILIATION APPROACHES IN RWANDA (Turkish)ABSTRACT. With the mass participation of the people in Rwanda, acts of genocide took place. Since in the history of the country, the cycle of violence repeated, conflict resolution and reconciliation processes were necessary to prevent violence. The government-initiated reconciliation with the support of the international society and achieved economic and political reforms. However, the Tutsi government’s reconciliation policies instrumentalize the genocide for its own legitimacy. The fact that the Tutsi were subjected to genocide seems to...
Derya GÖÇER: 21ST CENTURY AREA STUDIES: THREE APPROACHES (Turkish)ABSTRACT. In 21st century, area studies are undergoing deep transformations. Part of these transformations are occurring in parallel to transformation in disciplines in social sciences, reflecting the discussions around themes of this period, such as uni/multi polarity; globalization and migration. On the other hand, new theoretical and methodological tendencies that are unique to area studies are also emerging. Behind this period of transformations, there lies a painful process of criticism and self-reflection. This study will map out the area ...
Akın SAĞIROĞLU: HEGEMONY AND SANCTIONS: THE SIGNIFICANCE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN US HEGEMONY AND US ECONOMIC SANCTIONS IN THE COLD WAR (Turkish)ABSTRACT. Economic sanctions are preferred by states as a coercive foreign policy tool. During the Cold War, the United States of America (US) frequently used economic sanctions. In addition, the economic sanctions imposed by the US differ from the economic sanctions applied by other states in terms of quality and quantity. In this context, the study is aimed at “Is there a significant difference between the hegemony of the US and the economic sanctions applied by the US during the Cold War?” focused on the question. In the study, ca...
Ferda ABİÇ & Başar BAYSAL: CHANGING TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY IN THE LIGHT OF SYSTEMIC AND DOMESTIC FACTORS: THE CASE OF VENEZUELA (Turkish)ABSTRACT. This study aims to explain the development of Turkey’s relations with Venezuela in the context of the transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy through the lens of Neoclassical Realist theory. Turkey’s Venezuela policy differ from other foreign policy steps as it takes place at a time when the USA imposes sanctions on Venezuela. In this context, Turkey’s growing relative power and the permissive character of the strategic environment within the system since the end of the Cold War are considered as the main systemic fa...
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