Volume 9, Issue 3, October 2017
1980’lerin sonlarından itibaren Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) disiplininin ontolojik ve epistemolojik temellerini sorgulayan “Üçüncü Tartışma” (Lapid, 1989) feminist araştırmacılar için fırsat alanı yaratmış ve bu araştırmacılar disiplinin temel kavramlarını, varsayımlarını ve eril yapısını tartışmaya açmışlardır. Anaakım Uİ kuramları, “yüksek politika” etiketi altında kalan güç, güvenlik, ulusal çıkar, savaş ve barış konularıyla kadınların bir bağlantısı olmadığını varsay...
Cynthia ENLOE: RESISTING LAZY POLITICAL ANALYSIS: CRAFTING A FEMINIST CURIOSITY TO MAKE SENSE OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICSBefore I started to ask feminist questions, I thought I was grappling with enough complexity to make adequate sense of international politics.
When I investigated the post-colonial politics of Southeast Asia and the Caribbean, I asked about class; I asked about ideology; I asked about race and ethnicity; I asked about rubber, sugar, tin and the state.
V. Spike PETERSON: RETHINKING, RETURNING, REFLECTINGABSTRACT. After almost four decades of feminist International Relations (IR), I here rethink the journey this has entailed – for myself and others -- and contemplate where it has taken us. I first consider my own introduction to the discipline of IR and interpret activist commitments of the ‘first generation’ of participants. I then return to early developments and initial questions that fostered boundary-transgressing feminist contributions. Recalling three ‘imagined’ critical conversations – ...
Darcy LEIGH: QUEER FEMINIST INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: UNEASY ALLIANCES, PRODUCTIVE TENSIONSABSTRACT. This article examines the ‘uneasy alliance’ between Feminist IR and Queer IR. The article focuses on three areas of tension and continuity between the fields: (1) sexuality, sexual deviance and gender variance; (2) the roles of liberalism in gendered, sexualized and racialized violence; and (3) binaries relating to sex, gender and sexuality. The article argues that it is around tensions between Queer and Feminist IR that a Queer Feminist IR can be productively articulated. In particular, a Queer Feminist IR should: centre wom...
Selcen ÖNER & Merve ÖZDEMİRKIRAN: THE MASCULINE LANGUAGE OF THE DISCIPLINE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (IR) AND THE PERCEPTIONS OF WOMEN IR ACADEMICS IN TURKEY ABOUT THE LANGUAGE OF THE DISCIPLINE (Turkish)ABSTRACT. In this research the perceptions of women IR academics who work at the universities in the Marmara region, about masculine language of IR discipline will be analysed. Although women academics have been becoming more dominant components of the IR discipline, there is not enough research on how they perceive IR discipline and particularly the masculine language of the IR discipline. With this research, the goal is to fill this gap to a certain extent. Particularly the perceptions of women IR academics about the masculine language of the IR...
Pınar GÖZEN ERCAN: A FEMINIST CRITIQUE OF THE RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT AFTER THE NORM’S FIRST DECADE (Turkish)ABSTRACT. The responsibility to protect (R2P) norm was adopted under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) twelve years ago. Based on the assumption that R2P has not yet achieved the capacity to change states’ practice, in this article, the content and scope of R2P are analysed on grounds of feminist critiques of the norm, and issues for potential normative development are assessed. From a gender perspective, it is known that “Women, Peace and Security” scholars and practitioners approach R2P with caution because of its close r...
Tuğçe KELLECİ: GENDERED NATIONALISM AND THE USE OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN WARS: THE CASE OF BOSNIA (Turkish)ABSTRACT. In this article, the construction process of gendered identity within the context of ethnic conflicts is discussed, and sexual violence during the Bosnian War is analyzed as a case study. Feminism discusses women’s control and repression by masculine thought and practices through social, political, ideological and international dimensions, and studies the facts such as war, nationalism, militarism and foreign policy within the framework of power relations. A state-centric analysis of these facts overshadows the ideological and...
Murat ÜLGÜL: A FEMINIST APPROACH TO SYRIAN CIVIL WAR (Turkish)ABSTRACT. So far the Syrian Civil War, which is in its seventh year, has been analyzed through realpolitik perspectives. Both in politics and in literature, the solutions offered have been based on the interests of states and local actors. The major deficiency of the approaches focusing on the interests, objectives and the competition of states and local actors is their inability to produce solutions to the problems of civilians, especially women, during the conflict and afterward. In this respect, this study will analyze the Syrian civil war thro...
Bulut GÜRPINAR: SECURITY AND PEACE IN FEMINIST INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR AND WOMEN (Turkish)ABSTRACT. The 1980s saw a rise in critical discourse in the field of international relations, while feminist theory gained a foothold thanks to its contributions to the discipline. The emergence of a social gender perspective in international relations has increased the debate on many fundamental gendered issues, including the distinction between high/low politics, the state, war and security. On the issue of security, in particular, efforts to give women visibility and the contribution of the female experience have deepened security perspectives ...
İlkim Tuğçe BİTER: FEMINIST FOREIGN POLICY DISCOURSE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND THE SWEDISH CASE (Turkish)ABSTRACT. Feminism is a social movement that aims at changing the male-dominant viewpoint and male dominance that has historically and fictitiously been applied to existing norms with feminine values and women's participation. Feminist theory, which is prominent with international relations discipline with postpositivism, critize the discipline which be perceived intensively to male - oriented perspective. In this study, Sweden, which throw firsts respective vision of feminist foreign policy and evaluation of relations between international re...
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