Special Issue, December 2017
ABSTRACT. This article elaborates on the concept of climate security as a sub-field of environmental security research agenda, and investigates the place of climate security concept in Turkey’s climate policies. First, the evolution of the environmental security concept in the literature is elaborated. Subsequently, climate security discourse, as a sub-field of environmental security, is examined. The concept of climate security is explained with examples from the United Nations’, United States’ and European Union’s officia...
İzzet ARI: THE INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND THE CLIMATE CHANGE NEGOTIATIONS: THE PARIS AGREEMENT CASEABSTRACT. The year of 2015 was an important milestone in terms of new progresses in development and climate change areas. Adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement for climate change were two successful issues because of country-driven and comprehensive processes. SDGs which replaced to Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), includes 17 goals and 169 targets. The Paris Agreement aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There are significant direct and indirect interconnections between SDGs and the Paris Agreement. Due to n...
İlhan SAĞSEN: INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE NEGOTIATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN OR A NEW INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS AREA? (Turkish)ABSTRACT: Environmental topics have appeared more and more frequently on the international agenda over the last three decades although this subject has been drawn attention to technical experts working on this issue before being popular. Since the last half of the 20th century, climate change has been known as the most important issue in the environmental topics and this issue occupied the agenda of international community. Indeed, it is an issue of continuous and long-lasting debates in the negotiations of international actors. Withi...
Ali Onur TEPECİKLİOĞLU & Murat DEMİREL: INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES FROM THE ENGLISH SCHOOL PERSPECTIVE (Turkish)ABSTRACT: This study discusses possible new perspectives and conclusions that can be drawn from the English School theory, which is among the mainstream International Relations theories, about the management and resolution of international environmental problems, which are often regarded as emerging problems in contemporary international relations. While the study acknowledges the tension between the state-centric approach of the English School theory, and the inherently supranational character of international environmental issues; it also argu...
Işıl DEMİRTAŞ: GREEN ECONOMY POLICIES AS AN ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION OF ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMICAL CRISIS (Turkish)ABSTRACT: Starting from the global financial crisis, the world economy has faced with two basic issues; the great recession that is occured by the ongoing debt crisis process in Europe and the ecological crisis that occured as a result of global warming and the climate changes. Simultaneously these issues prepared a ground work for the ‘green economy’ to emerge as an alternative model. Green economy is a model which is in a harmony with nature within the economic structure; providing the policies such as the sustainability of there s...
İlhan EGE & Serkan ŞAHİN: THE CAUSAL ASSOCITATION BETWEEN BIST INDUSTRIAL, BIST CHEMICAL INDEX AND NATURAL GAS AND CRUDE OIL PRICES: TODA-YAMAMOTO APPROACH (Turkish)ABSTRACT: The association between energy prices and economic indicators has attracted many researchers for many years and has been the topic of many researches. However, studies investigating the effect of energy prices on financial indicators seem to be limited. One of the factors that may affect the share price of the companies is the energy prices that he companies need in order to continue their activities. Energy prices are the main input of firms, especially in the industrial and chemical sectors. Hence, energy prices can directly affect t...
Azime TELLİ: THE ROLE OF AKKUYU IN RUSSIA-TURKEY ENERGY RELATIONS: DOES IT A DEPENDENCY OR AN INTERDEPENDENCY? (Turkish)ABSTRACT: Excessive dependency on imported fossil fuels is a serious threat in the energy security of Turkey, and the situation is more critical in natural gas. Natural gas has the second highest share in the Turkish energy mix at a rate of 32.5%. Nearly 55% of the natural gas is imported from one single source country, and nearly 85% of the current purchase agreements consist of long-term agreements that are based on the “take or pay” principle. The Russian gas and the pipelines have critical importance in the natural gas s...
Caner KALAYCI: CLIMATE CHANGE, FORCED MIGRATION AND INTERNATIONAL LAW (Book Review, Turkish)İklim değişikliği ve göç konularının birçok disiplinde farklı düzlemlerde ele alınmış olmasına rağmen, iklim değişikliği kaynaklı zorunlu göçün uluslararası hukuk boyutunu inceleyen Jane McAdam, dikkat çeken bir çalışma ortaya koymuştur. McAdam, Kiribati, Tuvalu ve Bangladeş’deki ampirik alan araştırmasının sonuçlarıyla uluslararası hukuk bağlamında yaptığı analizini bütünleştirmiş ve iklim değişikliği ile göç sorununun uluslararası hukuk boyutunda çok başvurulan bir...
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