Volume 13, Issue 3, October 2021

ABSTRACT. While the literature has discussed both the causes and the policy impact of populist governments in the domestic arena, few studies examine the role populist leaders/governments play in the sphere of foreign relations of their countries. Extant studies suggest that populist leaders tend to engage in bilateral relations, deal directly with other leaders, and circumvent both national and supra-national institutions and organizations. In this paper, we investigate to what extent populist leaders use foreign aid giving as a foreign policy ...
Aybüke İNAN ŞİMŞEK & Senem ATVUR: RECONSTRUCTION OF INTERNATIONAL SPACE REGIME ON THE BASIS OF COMMON HERITAGE OF (HU)MANKIND IN THE 21st CENTURY (Turkish)ABSTRACT. The successful launch of the satellite Sputnik I by the USSR into the Earth orbit in 1957 started the “Space Age”, and also triggered the discussions about states’ sovereignty in space and how they use space area. In this process, the space law was tried to be codified with the initiatives of the United Nations, but the official documents such as the Outer Space Treaty or the Moon Agreement could not clarify the status of space and whether the outer space is common heritage of (hu)mankind. Moreover, the legal ambiguit...
Başak ERGÜDER: CAPITALISM, CRISIS AND EPIDEMIC: RETHINKING THE RIGHT TO HEALTH IN THE POST-COVID-19 ERA (Turkish)ABSTRACT. The Black Death and Spanish Flu, which led to significant changes in economic systems in the world history of epidemics, has made long-term effects on social and economic structure. Long-term structural changes are occurred in the post-epidemic periods just as happened in the post-crisis periods. Epidemics have the potential of creative destruction just as economic crisis. The developments that have taken place during the COVID-19 pandemic have the potential to create a new division of labor in World economy in the post-COVID-19 era. I...
Sezin İBA GÜRSOY: THE ERA OF CRISES: COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND CLIMATE CRISIS (Turkish)ABSTRACT. After the Cold War, a new understanding about security that includes non-military threats such as hunger, inequality, unemployment, migration, environmental degradation, terrorism, human trafficking, ethnic conflict, climate change, and epidemics has emerged. These new threats for human security create crises that have direct and serious effects on the world population and economy. The most imminent of these crises is the current COVID-19 epidemic that emerged in China at the end of 2019 and whose consequences are still not fully clear...
Serhat Celâl BİRDAL: ALEATORY MATERIALISM: THE RADICAL POLITICS TO BE BORN IN/FROM VOID (Turkish)ABSTRACT. In this study, moving from the French philosopher Louis Althusser’s posthumously published texts The Underground Current of the Materialism of the Encounter and Machiavelli and Us, we will try to reflect on the potentialities of a radical politics in the current conjuncture. Proposing that these texts correspond to a new and unexpected position in Althusser's philosophical pursuit and in his effort to reflect on the conditions of political practice, we will be looking for ways to improve this position toward...
Emre ÖZCAN: A POLITICAL INTERVENTION TO RELATIONAL MARXISM IN DELEUZE AND GUATTARI (Turkish)ABSTRACT. This study sees the political ontology developed by Deleuze and Guattari regarding Marxism as a political intervention in relational Marxism. The philosophers who adopt the concept of relationality as a plane rather than a method in their works, handle to Marxism in the focus of relationality. This relationality isn’t built with the common sense approach and the philosophy of internal relations. It is not part-whole relationship based on organism understanding. For thinkers, it is the main point of departure that the terms in the...
Onur YILDIRIM: THE QUESTION OF THE AUTONOMY OF POLITICS IN THE CONTEXT OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY: A READING OF IBN RUSHD (Turkish)ABSTRACT. This study claims to examine the issue of the autonomy of political activity, based on the views of Ibn Rushd, who put forward an original theory of the relationship between religion and philosophy. Ibn Rushd deals with the relationship between religion and philosophy, such as the Oriental (Eastern) Islamic philosophers Farabi and Avicenna. This school, known as the Farabi-Avicenna school and which put its seal on Islamic philosophy until Ibn Rushd, subordinates religion to philosophy based on the thesis of the historical priority and ...
Cihan KAYMAZ: HENRI LEFEBVRE'S INTERVENTIONS: URBAN RIGHTS versus RIGHT TO THE CITY (Turkish)ABSTRACT. The problems related to the city are explained through the acceptance of the optimistic and positive effects of modernization, industrialization, nation-state, and capital accumulation processes. As a reflection of these acknowledgments, the evaluation of increasing democratic participation in cities is instrumental in maintaining its provision based on concretizing human rights in urban space. Today, urban rights correspond to increasing access to urban services and democratic participation and are referred to as a category of human r...
Oya KASAP ORTAKLAN: DISCUSSING THE CINEMA OF LENI RIEFENSTAHL (Turkish)ABSTRACT. Leni Riefenstahl is one of the most controversial figures among the filmmakers of the Nazi era. The films she made during the rule of the NSDAP are a document of collaboration with the Nazi government for some groups and for others pure art. Reviews of her production after the World War II sometimes follow in the footsteps of fascist aesthetics and sometimes reduce her films to images free of ideology. The cinema of Riefenstahl, who all her life rejected the ideological value of her films and tried to defend herself as a director of harm...
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