Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2016
"Ben olmayan her şey, çevredir."
Albert Einstein
Bütün canlı ve cansız varlıkları, yenilenebilen ve yenilenemeyen kaynakları, iklimleri, atmosferi ve biyolojik yaşamı içeren “Çevre”, ekonomik, toplumsal, kültürel değerlerin ve bunların karşılıklı etkileşimin bir bütünü olarak insanların ve diğer canlıların hayatlarını sürdürdükleri yaşam alanıdır. Çevre, her alanı ve her süreci kapsay...
David Hunter: GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE AS WE ENTER THE ANTHROPOCENEThis paper presents an overview of the current state of global environmental governance with an eye toward highlighting the challenges that are presented by the scale and speed of environmental change that we are now witnessing. The scale of anthropogenic environmental change has led to what many now dub the Anthropocene - reflecting that humanity is changing our natural planetary systems in ways that have fundamental implications on a geologic scale. It also harkens in an era when humanity will be called on to consciously manage on a planetary level massive environmental change and t...
Ayşe Özcan: NEW EXPERIENCES ON ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS IN FRAMEWORK OF SUSTAINABILITY AND AN ECO-POLITICAL ANALYSIS: “SOLAR AND WIND RIGHTS”The right to solar and wind access can be described as an ‘environmental right’, and these rights are also important in terms of the first generation rights. In this study “solar and wind rights” are considered within the scope of the environmental rights of citizens who live in cities. In this context, the study discusses ‘the importance of solar and wind rights’ in a framework of the sustainability that includes energy production and urban sustainability. The main hypothesis of the study is as follows: ‘Solar and wind right’ is playing an in...
Aykut Çoban: POLITICO-ENVIRONMENTAL RELATIONS IN THE INTERNATIONAL ARENAEnvironmental issues have been on the international agenda for so long. However, International Relations (IR) theory acknowledged the environmental problem belatedly. When dealing with it, IR theory generally saw this problem as an annex to its central concerns. So, the environment as a research subject is considered either an issue of conflict or of cooperation from the perspectives of realism and liberal institutionalism respectively. By questioning this sort of consideration as a starting point, this article discusses the international environmental problem within the context of complexi...
Gonca Yılmaz: ARE HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS REALLY RENEWABLE?: A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN TURKEY, UNFCCC AND EUROPEAN LAWIn international environmental literature, hydroelectric power plants (HEPs) are considered as renewable or green energy for a long time. As it can be observed in Turkey, since some countries give “green/renewable energy credits” for HEPs and subsidize them, it will be valuable to evaluate this matter in detail, analyzing legal shortcomings and making proposals to avoid environmental harm caused by HEPs. This paper assesses the misuse of the “green/renewable energy” term for HEPs in Turkey, in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and in...
Arda Özkan: A TRANSBOUNDARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMATIC IN SECURITY PARADIGM: “NUCLEAR DAMAGE”Environmental damages as a factor that threat environmental security represent ecosystem damages due to human activities or risk of depletion of constitutions or recourses which are valuable for human existence. As for transboundary environmental damages which are defined as environmental damages, which occurs as a result of dangerous activities by a country or taking place in a territory of a country, affecting other country territories and national jurisdictions or international territories negatively by going beyond the country's borders; may cause nuclear pollution, marine oil trans...
Elif Çolakoğlu: ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN NEW YORK CITY AND REGULATORY BACKGROUNDThe catastrophic effects of climate change can be seen in New York City (“NYC”) today. As of now, the NYC as a coastal city has faced different climate risks such as heat waves and storm surges, which affect everyday life citywide, and, if current trends continue, they will become more frequent and severe. Hurricane Sandy which has devastated the East Coast is just the latest example. To strengthen its resilience, the NYC Administration comes forward particularly in this regard to commissioning expert scientific advice, formulating policy goals, setting standards and developing ...
Senem Atvur: TRANSBOUNDARY WATERS IN THE CONTEXT OF RIGHT TO WATER: AN ECOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVEWater is a vital resource for not only human being, but also all living things in nature and for the sustainability of ecosystems. Water has become a challenging issue in 21st century, while economic, political, social, humanitarian and ecological crises has been deepening. Transboundary waters with their multilateral and multidimensional problems and opportunities are at the focus of this study. The main aim is to discuss whether right to water can be an appropriate framework in order to improve cooperation in transboundary water basins. In this context, the right to water...
Yeter Demir Uslu & Ufuk Erkan: IMPLEMENTATIONS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: GREEN OFFICEBecause of the increasing number of people in the world and industrialization nature is destroyed. As a result environmental pollution occurs. Environmental management program has been implemented in developed and developing countries. In the concept of green entrepreneurship also has a place among the nations in order to minimize the environmental. It is focused on this subject in the summit and international meeting. It emerged as a sub-branch of green entrepreneurship in the world especially due to the cost of green building green office practices applied in the workplace recycling ...
Tolga Çikrıkci: Book Review: NÜKLEER SAVAŞ VE ÇEVRE FELAKETİ [Noam Chomsky & Laray Polk]Dünyaca ünlü aktivist, dilbilimci, filozof, tarihçi yazar Noam Chomsky ve araştırmacı yazar Laray Polk’un birlikte hazırladıkları görüşme yöntemli “Nükleer Savaş ve Çevre Felaketi” başlıklı kitapta, genel olarak, insani bir sorun olarak küresel ısınma ve bu konuda devletlerin, özellikle de Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin yaklaşım ve uygulamaları ele alınmıştır. Aslında bu incelemeye, çevre perspektifi içinde doğrudan bir ABD eleştirisi demek daha doğru olacaktır.
Betül Karagöz Yerdelen: Book Review: MARX’IN EKOLOJİSİ – MATERYALİZM VE DOĞA [John Bellamy Foster]Günümüzün ulus-aşan çevre sorunları, bir küresel ekoloji krizi haline gelmiştir. Bugün uluslararası çevre hukuku hâlâ gelişen bir seyir izliyor olsa da, güçlü bir çevre-bilim (ekoloji) disiplini artık öne çıkmıştır. Ekoloji, giderek akademiyi aşan ve hem kuramdan pratiğe hem de pratikten kurama akan güçlü bir praksis alanı yaratmaktadır. İnsanlığın uğradığı ve kuşkusuz gelinen uygarlık düzeyinin tetiklediği ekolojik kriz, insanlık tarihinde böylesine büy&uu...
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