Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2016
The question of difference and multiplicity in IR has been conventionally defined by the particularistic ontology of the sovereign-state based on a certain understanding of the relationship between humanity and socio-political community. In the last three decades by bringing gender, race, class, post-sovereign socio-political communities, cultural-civilizational identities etc. into IR, critical international relations theories have sought to rethink the international as being conscious of its historico-cultural settings and r...
Merve İrem YAPICI: THE PARADOX OF THE MILITARY REFORM IN THE RUSSIAN AND OTTOMAN EMPIRES: "THE DECEMBRISTS" AND "THE SOCIETY OF SELF-SACRIFICERS (THE FEDAIS)"Military structures and reforms of the Ottoman Empire and the Tsardom of Russia resemble each other, as well as many aspects of their historical development. Two states worked to strengthen their monarchies with military reforms through the adaptation of West’s military institutions, weapons and war techniques. They failed in their efforts because they did not manage to perform West’s economic and political transformation. Military reforms that were made without transforming the established order literally led to t...
Senem Kurt TOPUZ -Hülya ERKANLI: METAPHOR ANALYSIS OF MEANINGS ATTRIBUTED TO WOMEN AND MEN IN THE CONTEXT GENDERIn this study that aims to reveal what concepts of woman and man mean through metaphors; in other words, how they are perceived rather than defining these concepts within the context of gender, primary data was obtained from survey method. Data obtained from surveys from 100 participants, metaphoric responses given for man and woman statements were basically evaluated and interpreted individually. Starting from this point, metaphors participants used for the concepts of woman and man and explanations why they used these metaph...
Utku YAPICI: SHOULD JEWISH DIASPORA STAY AS AN IDEAL TYPE IN DIASPORA STUDIES?The major intellectual forerunners of the diaspora literature had considered the Jewish diaspora as an “ideal type”, and assigned the characteristics of the Jewish diaspora as criteria for labeling diasporas. However, in recent studies, flexible definitions of diaspora emerged in reaction to the scientific idealization of the Jewish diaspora example. This study firstly classified diaspora literature according to its reaction towards the idealization of the Jewish example and sought to give a meaningful answer to th...
: ANALYZING THE ENERGY POLICY OF BULGARIA IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE SOUTH STREAM PROJECTAlthough Bulgaria is not energy-rich country, she has geopolitical significance since she locates in one of the most important energy transfer route in the ongoing global energy resources competition. Bulgaria is at the intersection point of Russia that has the largest natural gas reserves in the world, and one of the most important natural gas supplier to Europe; the Middle East that has a decisive role in the natural gas market, and the Caspian region that has gained importance with its natural gas reserves after 1990s, and ...
Deniz YILDIRIM: VOTES OF EXPATRIATES: EXTERNAL VOTING BEHAVIOR FROM 7TH JUNE TO 1ST NOVEMBERThose Turkish citizens living abroad have gone to the ballot boxes to cast their votes for the first time for a general elections on 7th June 2015. This right which was only limited to the custom gates before it has been extended towards diplomatic missions abroad in order to encourage a better participation of expatriates to the elections from where they originally came. This study evaluates external votings by comparing the 7th June and 1st November election results held in 2015. The aim of the study which investigates both ...
Evren HASPOLAT: THE OMNIBUS LAW (LEGISLATION) AS A FORM OF POWER TRANSFER FROM LEGISLATION TO EXECUTIVEIn line with the new conditions created by the 1973 economic crisis, the bourgeois state has gained a new form which intervenes more into the economy. This form known as ”authoritarian statism” called by Poulantzas has erased the boundaries between legislation, executive and jurisdiction branches while transferring the power from legislation to the executive. Under the circumstances where the legislation lost its ground in the state structure, the initiative of law proposing is mostly captured by the executive bran...
Arda ÖZKAN: ÇOK TARAFLI ÇEVRE SÖZLEŞMELERİDeniz Kızılsümer Özer’in Çok Taraflı Çevre Sözleşmeleri isimli kitabı, uluslararası çevre hukukunun bel kemiğini oluşturan çevre sözleşmelerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Günümüzde çok taraflı çevre sözleşmeleri, uluslararası çevre hukukunun en önemli kaynakları olarak görülmektedir (Swanson, 1999: 85). Uluslararası boyutta çevre korunmasına ilişkin kurum ve kuralların öğrenilmesi an...
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